Welcome to Glow Nutrition

I’m Georgie and I’m a fully registered, London-based nutritionist offering personalised online consultations and tailor-made nutrition plans specific to you.

‘Food has the power to change the way we feel, think and function.’

My background degree is in Biomedical Science, which I followed with an MSc in Nutrition from King’s College London and Diploma in Nutritional Therapy from the College of Naturopathic Medicine London. This has given me a range of experience and understanding of the human body from a biological, cellular level right up to the often-complex nutritional requirements of my diverse client base.

‘The right tools, guidance and habits can transform our health.’

I know what the pressures of modern living can be like.

Feeling stressed out, with too little sleep, making poor food choices, overworked, and ultimately functioning sub-optimally. I spent much of my early adult years, burning the candle at both ends running from intense study to part-time working to socialising.  For me this manifested in unwelcome digestive and skin issues- constant bloating, reactions to foods, psoriasis and rosacea. But I can also appreciate and know first-hand the power of nutrition and lifestyle changes to dramatically change these negative health cycles and in significantly improving my symptoms.

‘Small and consistent changes can have huge impacts on our health.’

My path to health began with the influence of my parents providing my sisters and I with a taste and appreciation for natural food. The experience of home-cooking with healthy ingredients showed me how the right foods can nourish not just in the nutritional sense but also through the joy of sitting down at a table and sharing food with others.

My journey has been a combination of scientific research, clinical application of evidence-based protocols, and personal experience.

Helping others transform their health and glow from the inside out is what makes me so passionate about what I do. I’m delighted and very grateful to be able to share my knowledge and experience with you. I look forward to supporting you on your journey.

In good health,

Georgie Murphy Registered Nutritionist |MSc, BSc, Dip.Nut, mBANT, rCNHC, ANutr